So, tonight we went out for Annicka's birthday gift ... yes, a day early! Somehow I lost my sanity a while back and told Annicka she could get a hamster when it was her birthday - as her gift. She was quick to take me up on the offer and certainly did not forget - darn. I even tried to bribe her into something else ... toys? ipod? cold hard cash? nope - she wanted a hamster.
Technically she has had pets before ... back when she was the only kid in the house. More by default any pets we had back then were "hers" ... but this time it's different, this time it really is her pet! She got to pick it out, pick out it's stuff, pick out it's name - everything!
We debated for a while on whether we should stick to a hamster or maybe go for a guinea pig. There were pros and cons to each, but the fact that the guinea pig would have to be let out each day (for exercise) and that many people told me how much they stink, I decided to stick with a hamster (or some such small critter).
When we arrived at Petsmart there was an abundance of "dwarf" hamsters, but she insisted that she did not want that type. I have no idea why, but she was pretty adamant "not a dwarf one"! Finally we spotted a couple "regular" hamsters and in no time she had hers all picked out! By the time we left the store we had a cart full of necessary items and little miss hamster had a name!
I hope tomorrow is a great birthday for Annicka. Ten is a big deal, but because she had a party last year - we're not doing one this year. I've ordered her a special cake, she has her extra special gift, Nana & Granddaddy are here, and she has more gifts from both them and all the fam in Albuquerque ... so she's still set for a day all about her! I can't believe my baby is nearly ten. Wow.
Introducing ... Ohna!
(that's pronounced much like Annicka's name: o-nuh)
(that's pronounced much like Annicka's name: o-nuh)
ready to go
that's the one!
(after this pic I was actually told I couldn't take pics of the animals - wow ...
she was super nice about it and ended up being the one to help us out!)
mama got her house all ready for her
(should I call myself Nana? lol ... to clarify, I did all the work!)
Annicka was also insistent she be the one to put her in her house
(she got some exercise in her ball while I got everything ready)
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