I am thankful to be a stay at home mom!!!
I really could write and write and write on this subject, but I'll try to keep it short & sweet!
I am thankful that I have never had to face adversity, negative comments, or harsh attitudes regarding this choice ... I always hate hearing what some moms have gone through, it's so wrong!
I am thankful that I get to be here for my kids!
If they're sick and need to stay home from school, I'm here.
I get to witness the milestones!
I get to kiss the boo-boos!
I get to be school teacher to my oldest!
sure, I miss things that happen at school (for my younger three) ...
but I'm here for them when they get home!!
I am thankful that I have a hubby who supports this decision and appreciates it!
sure, more money would be nice - really nice!! - but realistically I'd be lucky to find something
that would even pay me enough to pay for daycare ... and I've never wanted
my children to grow up in daycare, anyway! I'm so glad that my hubby respects that!
He works so hard to provide for us, he's such a good guy!
I am also thankful for the many family members who support me and see the benefits!!
and, of course, I am so thankful for my four beautiful, amazing,
you-make-me-wanna-rip-out-my-own-hair-and-then-do-something-so-adorable-that-I-melt kids!!!

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