I am so thankful that my boys have made friends!
of course, they have school - which does help in the making friends department!
but when we moved here we quickly found out that our neighbors had
three boys (and one on the way) ... one of their boys is the same grade as Jericho,
one is about a year younger than Liam and the other is about a year older
than Jericho!!! how perfect is that??? it's cute, too, that they have a Liam - and he
even has long hair like our Liam! so we have to be sure we say something
to distinguish who we're talking to (usually by using the last name)!
Jericho was very accustomed to playing outside with friends ...
and this was a big move for him! he really doesn't remember too much from before
California. it was his first time to be changing schools and leaving friends!
(for Liam it was not such a big deal, as he was homeschooling and the friends he had
had - had moved from Vandenberg ... plus he didn't really see them regularly)
I was a little ... concerned, let's say.
I knew he'd make friends at school, but I wasn't sure if he'd have
neighborhood friends and get to have his outside "friend time" like he was used to!
right away he hit it off with the boys next door, it was wonderful!
I love that they come over and ask if he can play ...
I love that gets to go out nearly every day and has several friends to play with ...
it's fun to see them all running around together, being boys!

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