Sunday, November 10, 2013

thankful, day 10 ...

 I am thankful for all these autumn colors!
Autumn is my most favorite season, but where we lived before we saw
very little evidence of seasons ... there were a few trees that changed color & lost leaves - 
but I think here we definitely have more!
I am loving it!
I love taking pics of "nature" anyway, but these were especially fun ...
I took them while on a walk with Annicka - which was nice too (even if she was getting
annoyed with all my picture taking - lol)!  as I took them I realized that it's
also kind of cool that I'm getting some pics of the houses that are in progress - when we got
here they were just being framed, look at them now coming along!
I absolutely appreciate the beauty God gave us in the sky, trees, flowers, etc.
and I am happy that we have more defined seasons here!

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1 comment:

  1. Those are so pretty, I wish we had such beautiful trees where we live!
