we got home and the kids got to open a present each. I actually let them open one gift earlier today, and the plan was to let them open something every couple hours - but they were acting up, so that didn't happen. anyhow ... so, they decided to open their stockings from Grandma! boy did they love that - those stockings were FULL of fun stuff!
the babies are both a little under the weather (which is why just me and the big
kids went to church) ... they were both asleep when we got home, but quickly got woken!
Liam was a little grouchy, then daddy opened his candy cane and it broke -
he was not happy. I offered him Zoey's, he had no interest. so - we
stooped to low levels ... daddy told him that I could fix his candy can and he
handed it to me, I was sitting sort of behind daddy - so I swapped it
out and handed him an intact candy cane. look at the smile on his face - you know you
woulda done the same!
as we wrapped up the gift opening (ha ha) I busted out into song ... "now I've ... had ..
the time of my liiiffe ... and I never felt like this before ..." (you get the idea).
it was at the point when I said "dirty bit" that my husband looked
at me as though I had completely lost my mind. apparently he had never
heard this newer version - sooooo, I had Annicka grab my ipod
and we turned it on - which led to all this:
back up a bit to our late morning - we finally got around to doing
this project that "yaya" sent us. she is a great family friend
and she sent a box of goodies - everything we needed
to make adorable reindeer cupcakes!
is she awesome or what?!
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