got out of bed at 7:05am - I knew today was not the regular day, so staying till 7:15/7:20am just would not do (plus, that always means a lot of unnecessary yelling and chaos - as we have just minutes till we need to leave to get the kids to school in time for breakfast ... oh - breakfast at school, yah - don't ask)
took a shower. how come no one ever told me just how difficult it would be to get a shower when you're a mom? I'm not saying I don't have time ... but who really wants to shower at 9pm - I'm usually pretty tired by then!
decided that the big kids would just have to have breakfast at home, it was 7:25am and the babies needed baths. bathed Liam and Zoey, got them all dressed and ready to go!
took the kids to school. either it's been too long since we went at "normal" time or the line has gotten really long, they made it just after the second bell at 8:10am, with minutes to get to their classes by the final bell!
went and got gas. I knew I didn't have enough for the "long" trip, so went ahead and just filled it. can anyone hear me crying and saying "ouch"?
back home for some breakfast for Liam and me. I didn't have time to finish mine before diving into phone calls. I had to determine just how to get this new formula Zoey now drinks. got ahold of the company we used to get supplies from (feeding tube, polycose, etc) after finding out our insurance denied the request, I was told that the formula is $73 a can. and no, it's not some super size can - picture your typical small can of formula. yah. put a call into WIC to see if I can get it through them (I haven't called back, if you hang in here - you'll know why).
10:05am (I got a phone call - seriously I was on the phone for an hour - from the gastroenterologist's office saying that they could give me some formula to get by until we figure it all out, ok awesome - that just means I have to drive to Santa Barbara to get it. that's another hour away in a different direction) - oh no, we need to go now! no time to stop at starbucks for a passion fruit ice tea either, bummer. (that's my new favorite drink there, I figure it has to be a little better for me. maybe.)
we got to our appointment with no time to spare at 11:20am. it was with the clinic that does follow up for NICU babies and we were working specifically on her eating this day. (we missed her development appt. a couple weeks back when she had a cold, but hearing she'd lost weight they wanted us to come in for a feeding appt.) the occupational therapist completely agreed with me, it's not looking like an "ability" issue. she said she does everything very well - taking the food from the spoon, using her tongue, swallowing. so, it's more likely an appetite or texture issue. nothing to be too concerned about and she gave me some tips on what to do to gradually add texture (which will also add calories)! good appt. I left feeling great about Zoey's skills and our "coordinator" (or whatever her title is) absolutely loved Liam - she was "babysitter" to him while we were there! they colored, cleaned, and blew bubbles ... oh, and there was a snack involved too.
we headed home. stopped on the way to pick up drinks at starbucks - oh yes they did add a new larger size drink! and some pizza for snack/dinner - yah, we cruise in style! actually, I just wanted to be sure I had my bases covered for another long drive, this time with big kids in tow, too! for good measure, I also got a birthday cake pop for each of us - another addition at starbucks. darn you starbucks.
then it was a mad dash to the school to pick up the big kids and hit the road again! we made it Santa Barbara in good time, I wondered if we'd hit traffic - but no, God cleared the way (we had to be there by 4:30pm, when they close). we used the doc's potty and got the formula. back to the van, all buckled in, a quick call to the hubs (who had no idea of the SB trip) and were cruising again.
we finally got home at about 5:15pm (too late to call WIC back, see - I told you you'd know, and I mean what I say). if you weren't keeping count in your head while reading: me, Liam, and Zoey spent nearly five hours in the car and were out for a grand total of over seven hours!
it's days like these I realize just how amazing my kids can be. a few little fusses from Zoey was all I had to endure the entire day. there was lots of napping (even Jericho and Annicka) and lots of music. driving by the ocean and driving in the rain. I came home exhausted, but joyful to have this different sort of day with my little lovelies.
at one point on the way home, a walk/the park was mentioned. I said I thought it was a definite possibility ... after all that sitting, I wanted a little walk! so, we got home, got out of the car, grabbed bikes (and a stroller) and took off - this time on foot (well, Liam and I anyway)! I took my camera, to capture some of our fun ...