Sunday, December 11, 2011

pilgrim and indian night ...

so, do I rest my case about pics of the two oldest?  (remember what I said a few days ago regarding that) ... though i do think that third one is pretty great!  anyhow, these pics are from the week before Thanksgiving - the kids all ready for AWANA! 

we just did something quick and easy with what we had on hand.  my sweet sensitive (I have no idea where they get that ultra sensitivity ... ahem) son was very upset because someone called him "little feather".  Liam didn't go that night, he had fallen asleep and I wasn't about to wake him up (he's one of those that you do NOT wake) which ended up being a good thing ... so when I found Jericho outside crying I was able to then help in his class, which made him better!

I thought they were cute little indians, even if they were super simple!  my big kids - wow!  crazy just how grown up they are becoming (have I mentioned that Annicka just turned eleven?  crazy!  we haven't even done her b-day pics yet, but be on the look out)!

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