so, if I love you oodles and oodles and know you love me back just the same ...
it's possible I won't ask your permission before putting your pics
on my blog - lol! I guess it's that I figure you love me enough that if
it's a problem, you'll forgive me quite easily for wanting to share
your beautiousness (I love making up words) with the world!
ok, who am I kidding ... I get like one comment a week - at best - so, I'm
hardly sharing this with "the world"!
but, it is out there for the world - so there ya go!
this is very true for my family - who've I've never asked permission from -
and all my friends I saw on this trip to Oregon, none of whom
have given me permission to be sharing all these pics I've been sharing!
no worries, though - they love me!
and I don't think they'll mind either!
well, my friend might be a little upset about this one:
but I have to share it! it's just too funny to witness the
happy look of surprise on her face (I can't quite remember what spurred
that expression) and the pitiful look of unhappiness on Zoey's!
it makes me laugh, to be honest!
Leslie is such a good friend.
we've been friends for sixteen years now ...
that's a long time!
we've been through thick and thin and really, I consider
her more of a sister than a friend! why?
because she's always been there for me! always!
usually it's just a listening ear and some Godly wisdom over
a phone conversation, but it means a lot to have a
friend who lives almost 900 miles away
still care about you so much!
all this to say, that I had to have some photos of her with
my precious baby Zoey - whether Zoey was happy
about it or not and whether they turned out "good" or not!
as you can see, these next two are very much better ...
also, as you can see, my friend is not only beautiful on the inside,
but she's also gorgeous on the outside!
it's possible I won't ask your permission before putting your pics
on my blog - lol! I guess it's that I figure you love me enough that if
it's a problem, you'll forgive me quite easily for wanting to share
your beautiousness (I love making up words) with the world!
ok, who am I kidding ... I get like one comment a week - at best - so, I'm
hardly sharing this with "the world"!
but, it is out there for the world - so there ya go!
this is very true for my family - who've I've never asked permission from -
and all my friends I saw on this trip to Oregon, none of whom
have given me permission to be sharing all these pics I've been sharing!
no worries, though - they love me!
and I don't think they'll mind either!
well, my friend might be a little upset about this one:
happy look of surprise on her face (I can't quite remember what spurred
that expression) and the pitiful look of unhappiness on Zoey's!
it makes me laugh, to be honest!
Leslie is such a good friend.
we've been friends for sixteen years now ...
that's a long time!
we've been through thick and thin and really, I consider
her more of a sister than a friend! why?
because she's always been there for me! always!
usually it's just a listening ear and some Godly wisdom over
a phone conversation, but it means a lot to have a
friend who lives almost 900 miles away
still care about you so much!
all this to say, that I had to have some photos of her with
my precious baby Zoey - whether Zoey was happy
about it or not and whether they turned out "good" or not!
as you can see, these next two are very much better ...
also, as you can see, my friend is not only beautiful on the inside,
but she's also gorgeous on the outside!
there's a smile from Zoey!
(we think she wasn't a fan of the hat - lol ... and also of Leslie
looking directly at her - crack me up)
thank You, Lord - for such a good friend!
I am truly blessed!
oh yah ... and these are the only pics for that day! Leslie came over and we all just hung out and drank coffee and talked and relaxed ... and later that night her, I, and my mom all went to IKEA - oh, how I love IKEA! it was another fabulous day of our trip!
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