Friday, October 29, 2010

party update:

pretty obvious that my plan didn't go over too well! So, I couldn't convince the big kids to be celebrities ... apparently that is just not cool! Daddy wasn't haven't his son be Justin Bieber either, so Liam was convinced into dressing up as Superman (from our dress up box). Jericho insisted on being Batman, but had to settle for his dress up cape - as I wouldn't budge on letting him wear his "real" costume; and Annicka went with Laura Ingalls from her dress up stash! I was "Sasha Job - world famous mom" ... ha ha ha, yah right! They all had a blast, even though we had to leave early to get the boys to bed! Thanks again, Michele, we had super fun!

p.s. how was the cake? we were sad to miss it - it looked awesome! Laura did an amazing job, as always!

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