Friday, October 15, 2010

and the "milk" battle begins???

so, for at least the past seven days Zoey has spat up at least once every day! Now, she was said to have reflux and remains on her zantac ... but generally speaking, she doesn't spit up that much! In fact, I've always said that overall she spits up the least of any of my kids ... the difference is that when she "spits up" it's more like she throws up!

anyway, I was thinking about it and realized that her whiny-ness didn't start until she was on formula ... hmmm? so, I've been wondering if maybe she doesn't like the soy formula? (we went straight to soy out of habit, really) I decided it's probably worth seeing if a different formula changes anything, so today I went formula shopping. I wasn't really sure what to buy? Regular old formula? The one for spit up? The one for fussiness & gas? What's a mama to do? I went with my instincts, on the thought process of: she's spitting up ... so I guess I'll try the one for spit up.

On another quick note, I had recently realized that she's having pain when pottying and wondered if maybe she is a bit constipated? (I'm sure she'll appreciate this post when she's older - ha ha)

So, so far today she had had two bottles of breast milk (she still has one or two a day, from the frozen supply) and one bottle of the new formula ... while napping she woke a couple times doing her "chokey" cough and proceeded to spit up - just a little the first time, more the second. Now, of course I know it's too soon to make a conclusion - but wanted to point out a difference: when she spat up it was more like curdled milk, where before when she spat up it usually looked the same as when it went in!

I'm going to post this to my facebook page and anyone with any helpful information - please share! thanks!

so, Zoey was barely into her second bottle of the new formula when she threw up big time (and she had thrown up a second time in between, so this was the third throw up). That was the end of our trial and we're now back to the soy formula ... but still have to figure out how to help her constipation. I may see if she'll drink prune juice?

1 comment:

  1. Have you tried a hypoallergenic formula??? Works great and is easy to digest like breastmilk...and while it costs a bit more, it she's only having a few bottles of it a day, I'm sure you can justify it. Just a thought!
