Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Albuquerque - day seven ...

this was the first day of swim lessons! unfortunately our timing wasn't so good - we came in the middle of sessions - so the kids were only going to be able to do the first week of lessons! and then, a day got canceled due to smoke from a fire and we had to miss friday as we had left! but, they enjoyed those three days none-the-less!!!

Zoey in the shade!
Liam on the edge, waiting for his turn

can you tell he's loving it!

uh, yah, he was a little upset when the teacher said
that class was over ...

did I say a little upset?
I meant very upset ...

ok - he was devastated!
(but we did finally calm him down when we
told him he'd be eating lunch and then daddy
would take him back in the water!)

she's enjoying that!

that's my "california girl"
(anyone get it?)

get it yet? "daisy dukes, bikini on top" - lol

oh good - chicken nuggets today - one of his faves!
and look at sleeping Zoey, so sweet!

oh my!

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