Friday, February 12, 2010

Zoey ... you are LIFE!

I just have to share this! I was talking to one of my best friends (love you Les) the other day (the days run together, but I think it was yesterday?) and she said something to me that she's said before, she told me to pray and ask God to give me a word for Zoey. This is something my friend has done for each of her children and she said that it's just such a blessing and that her children beam when she tells them what they "are"! Well, to be honest - I didn't devote much prayer to this yesterday, but at one point it hit me ... and I know it was God!

Years ago we discussed names for our children and Zoey was one of them ... well, then I got pregnant and had a boy ... then again, another boy ... and, as we all know, I got pregnant again and certainly had high hopes that I'd get a girl - "Zoey" was always in the running for a name and once we found out she was a girl we kept going back to it, nothing else really struck us?

... then, I looked up the meaning of the name Zoey: life.

it came at a point when I needed it, I don't even want to put to print the horrible things that the medical professionals "had" to ask me, once it was determined that our little sweetheart had down syndrome and a heart defect ... but let's just say that "life" said it all - she became Zoey the minute I read that word! I believe that Gary and I, through God, always knew we would have our little Zoey ... even if at times we didn't realize it.

So there I was, driving along I believe - in fact, I think it must have been wednesday on the way here to L.A. ... and God gave me the word for Zoey: life! so, my sweet little Zoey, you are life and I can't wait for the day I can speak those words to you and see your adorable little face beam with happiness for the special word God gave you!

here are some pics from our visit tonight!
she's in there - lol

btw - her rash is essentially gone on her neck and does appear
to be improving! they did stop giving her the milk based formula
(once again, it's added to the breastmilk for calories) so who
knows if that's what it was or something else???
but, it's getting better - yay!
oh - AND - check out this little suit they put on her ... when we first
got here on wednesday I couldn't believe it, elephants - my favorite!
how did they know?

miss Tina (another of my best friends) is loving this!

I just gotta say I am LOVING this angle, I need more pics of myself
from this angle - no double chin - it's so awesome!!!


  1. That last picture of you and Zoey is beautiful! I also love the close up of just her, she is getting so big! You look great Sasha! I know how hard it must be to be away from your other babies, but you said it well, this time is going to be so short in the perspective of life...and what an incredible bonding time for you and Zoey! Blessings!

  2. I love all the pictures of Zoey, she is so adorable. The pictures of the 2 of you are my favorites.
    I love the word that God gave you, He gives us just what we need when we need it.

  3. Would you please stop making me CRY? LOL! Great blog! I am so glad you are able to be there with her, and if I can find a way to help financially, I definitely will!

    I had to laugh about your comment on the camera angle.....I can SO RELATE! :)) (that's a double chin smiley...LOL)

