Sunday, April 18, 2010

I got smiles ...

no, not on camera - but today I got some smiles and coos out of the little miss and it truly brought joy to my heart! I don't know why she "wouldn't" do it for a few days, but I was beyond happy for the return today! tomorrow is leaving day! I've been telling Liam: "we're going to the big city" in the hopes he'll learn to say it - lol! speaking of which, that kid amazes me these days with his vocabulary ... oh my!!! I'm really going to miss my big kids, but I know it's important for them to be at school - especially with state testing coming up, Annicka really can't miss that! I'm not sure how much I'll be able to blog while in L.A. - only time will tell, but if I don't update until our return home ... please just keep everything in your prayers! God bless you all.


  1. Sasha,
    I am Jackie & Bill Brandt's daughter, Suzanne. I think I met you a few times...anyway, I have been following you and your family's journey from when your precious daughter Zoey was born and getting ready for the surgery. I just want you to know that I am thinking about you all and praying really hard for a very safe and successful surgery tomorrow!! God Bless You, Suzanne Pock
