this is reality.
pillows & blankets from Annicka and my downstairs "sleepover",
dirty dishes piling high,
groceries waiting to be put away,
the evidence that I have swept the floor,
backpacks & jackets,
evidence that I am in a creative mood lately,
and other toys - oh the toys!!!
I love posting photos of my house all clean and picked up ...
but it seems that the way my downstairs looked yesterday morning is really
the everyday reality, more often than not.
and I don't like it.
slowly I am attempting to get this house organized so that, maybe -
just maybe -
it will function in such a way that my children will
more readily pick up after themselves?
ya know, like: if there's a place for it, then it can be "put away"!
that tends to be an issue for us, in general (adults too)!!!
I'm planning it all out and have purchased a thing or two to help in this
process, I'm also always looking for helpful suggestions on how
others keep clutter and kid messes under control!
in the meantime, you know me - I like to keep it real!
(this certainly isn't the first time I've publicly shared pics of our messes)
and, if it makes ya feel better, I'm happy to report that dishes
have been washed, many toys and all laundry has been
picked up, I'm sorting through the clutter and working on cleaning too!
as for the projects and groceries ...
I'll get to that, later!
(wink face)
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