Monday, February 3, 2014

Christmas art!!!

along with baking I tried to do a lot of "art" with the kids!
one of the days Buddy brought supplies to make these extra special pieces
of art - using the kids' hands & feet!  I really had fun with these:
(*these are on canvases - the "borders" were just for squaring purposes on instagram*)
Jericho & Liam's feet!

Zoey's foot!

each of the kids' thumb prints - this one is my absolute favorite!!

Annicka's hand!

Annicka's foot!
this one didn't make it to instagram, cause it looks so unfinished!  I'm hoping maybe we can
add some foot/hand animals or something next year??  or trees??  something!!

I think this was the only other "pic" that didn't make it to the blog already (of art)!
both Buddy and Nana gave the kids some fun little ornaments ... 
and Buddy sent paint pens with his, perfect for these projects!  then we hung them!

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