Monday, February 24, 2014

checkups ...

 Annicka (seen here last month with her friend, Madison - you may remember my
 post two summers ago, when our neighbors moved from Vandenberg ... well, I guess they
have family in the area we currently live, so during their visit we got the girls together a couple times!  ... I thought that was pretty cool, it was a first for us!) has grown, but the doc said
her growth won't be too much from here on out - we'll see about that!
She is 5 feet & 4 inches!
too old for weight sharing!

 Jericho (seen here after his hair cut last week, being a stinker about smiling) has
grown a lot this past year!!!  last January he was 4feet 4inches and 64 pounds - I doubt
I ever recorded that here, so I'm doing it for all the younger kids!
today he was:
4 feet & 71/8 inches (81%)
75 pounds (82%)

 Liam (seen here last week after his hair cut - yay, I can see his eyes again!)
hasn't made quite the leap that Jericho has, but he has grown!  last February he was 3 feet
& 7 inches and 42 pounds!
today he was:
3 feet & 811/16 inches (36%)
46 pounds (53%)

 she was pretty full of energy last week at her check up!

 she had to do blood work AND get shots ... she cried, but got over it quickly and still
happily said "bye" and "sank ou" (that's thank you!) to the technicians!!!
this pic is the next morning - she wasn't feeling so hot!
in fact, she sat there on the couch -after having laid with me cuddling for a good
half hour- happily watching tv for a good hour and a half before she got down and played
a bit!!!  she was pretty low key all day!

last January she was 31 inches and 22.93 pounds
last friday she was:
36 inches (0% on typical chart, looks like 50% on DS chart)
(technically on record it's 36.22 but the thing was totally angled, so when she 
stepped out I re-measured and it looked more like 36!!)
30.86 pounds (14% on typical chart, about 50% on DS chart)

so, it's confirmed ... my kids are growing!!!  good grief our itty bit, Zoey, has shot up five inches
and managed to gain 8 pounds, that's amazing!  and Jericho had a huge growth as well!
these days I constantly use the hashtag #dontblink ... because I feel
like my kids are growing up way too fast!


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