Liam is growing too and he is such a talker - always amazing me with his words/sentences! He can really keep us smiling and laughing and is just so darn cute! I still need to do more "two year" photos (and still need to do Jericho's) but I find myself a little short on time to do all I need or want! Liam says "Zoey" properly now, no more "Zoely" ... but it's still cute!
Jericho (though not pictured) seems to be going through a rough patch in life. This has been a tough year for our little guy (he, of all of them, has missed me most when I've been out of town). He can be quite dramatic and as much funny stuff comes out of his mouth, just as much weird stuff does too ... not sure if it's the influence of tv or just a boy thing? He's a good little guy though and he has a sweet little spirit, the ornery bugger!
We're all very excited at the prospect of moving to a four bedroom home soon! FINALLY! We should get a call sometime this week to set up an appointment to go see the home they're going to offer us, I can't wait - I'm so excited!
so, there's the update on the rest of us for now! God bless all! Off to Zoey's doc appointments in Santa Barbara now!
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